Monday, February 17, 2025
 WHY JOIN? Minimize

Retired School Employees

Leadership for Retired School Employees

Who is Eligible?

Any person who has retired from active service as a school employee is eligible to join PSEA-Retired/NEA-Retired.

How Do I Join?

If you would like more information about joining as a PSEA-Retired member, Click Here.

Why Join?

Your involvement in the education profession doesn’t have to end upon retirement. In fact, retired school employees are encouraged to continue to support the profession as members of PSEA-Retired/NEA-Retired.

Since 1984, PSEA-Retired/NEA-Retired has offered an opportunity for all retired school employees to maintain an active role within PSEA and NEA.

With PSEA-Retired/NEA-Retired membership, you receive:

  • More effective lobbying for retirement benefits. (Government Policy Agenda)
  • An unbroken string of services provided to all PSEA/NEA members—services that can be provided only the association’s professional staff in Harrisburg, Washington and our region officers throughout the state and nation. (UniServ map)
  • Economic savings that more than return your dues investment. (Member Benefits)
  • A personal legal services program with significant discounts. (Personal Legal Services)
  • Representation in legal cases involving prior employment problems or in legal cases involving the Public School Employees’ Retirement System if you have been a continuous member for the past five years. (Professional Legal Services)
  • And the dignity that comes from being part of an active and growing family of education personnel.

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