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Constitution: Mideastern Region – Retired


Article I – Name



Article II – Affiliation

The ASSOCIATION shall be affiliated with the Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA), the National Education Association (NEA), and their retired counterparts.


Article III – Purpose

The purpose of this ASSOCIATION shall be to protect and advance the interests of all public school retirees, support the general educational welfare of the State, and to support educational standards.


Article IV – Membership

All those who are considered unified members as described in the Constitution and Bylaws of Bucks County PSEA-Retired and Montgomery County PSEA-Retired (County Locals) are members of MER-PSEA Retired.


Article V – Region Representative/President

The region representative shall be one of the County Local presidents and shall be elected in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of PSEA-Retired and the County Locals. The region representative shall represent the region on the PSEA-Retired Board of Directors, and shall serve as the MER-PSEA Retired president.


Article VI – Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall be composed of the presidents and vice presidents of the County Locals. Vacancies in the office of Region Representative/President and region alternates to the PSEA-Retired board shall be filled by this committee from its members.


Article VII – Committees

The executive committee shall devise such standing and other committees as it deems necessary to carry out the programs, purposes and objectives of the ASSOCIATION.


Article VIII – Delegates

            1. Upon election to their positions, as described by their County Local constitution and bylaws, the presidents of the County Locals shall be delegates to the Mideastern Region House of Delegates.

            2. The vice presidents of the County Locals upon election shall be delegates to the Mideastern Region House of Delegates.

            3. Additional delegates and alternates to Region or State Houses of Delegates shall be elected by a majority of those voting at any regular membership meeting or special membership meeting called for hat purpose provided that notice of election was given to all eligible voters at least three weeks previous to the meeting. Nominations shall be open and voting shall be by secret ballot and adhere to the one person one vote principle. County Locals may meet separately for this purpose.


Article IX – Meetings

            1. The executive committee shall meet at the call of the president or by at least 100 voting members, at least 50 from each County Local.


Article X – Fiscal/Membership Year

The fiscal and membership years shall be September 1 to August 31 of the following year.


Article XI – Amendments

This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular membership meeting or special membership meeting called for that purpose, provided that the proposed amendment had been read at a previous meeting. County Locals may meet separately for this purpose. The executive committee shall tally the results and present them to the membership.


Bylaws: Mideastern Region Retired


Article I – Objectives

            1. To promote and advance the goals, objectives, and purposes of PSEA and NEA and their affiliates.

            2. To serve the interest of retired school employees in the Mideastern Region area.

            3. To initiate and support legislative programs that are beneficial to our members.

            4. To cooperate with other organizations whose programs are consistent with our goals and purposes.

            5. To participate actively in helping retired school employees with problems involving their welfare and personal needs.

            6. To provide a forum from which members can work together for social professional purposes.


Article II – Duties of the President

The president shall be the presiding officer at all meetings of the ASSOCIATION, appoint members to and chairpersons of all committees, be a delegate to state and region houses of delegates, and all other duties generally associated with that office.


Article III – Duties of the Executive Committee

The executive committee shall carry out the program and activities of the ASSOCIATION, consistent with the constitution and bylaws, when the general membership is not in session, and will advise the president.


Article IV – Dues

Dues will be determined and collected by the separate County Locals.


Article V – Parliamentary Rulings

In matters not specifically covered by the constitution and bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order current edition, shall govern this ASSOCIATION.


Article VI – Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at any regular membership meeting or special meeting called for that purpose. County Locals may meet separately for this purpose.


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